
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Small Miracles

Yesterday was a busy day. I cleaned and baked, and cleaned some more. I was supposed to head out to see a friend for tea around 12:30, planning to swing by the grocery store to pick up last minute things for the Strawberry Shortbread I was bringing. However, I lost track of time AND when I got into the car I was driving for the day, the dashboard was lit up like a Christmas tree. So, after a car switch, I ended up leaving aroun 12:55. For most people, 20 minutes can sometimes be made up in some way by shortcuts and such...unless you live a SOLID 35-40 minutes from the area you're supposed to be at AND have to do a grocery store run. Obviously my friend wouldn't be offended at being late, but I wanted to honor the time she set aside for me. So I did what I usually do--prayed.

"Lord, I need help. It's supposed to start snowing any minute AND I'm supposed to be at her house in 30 minutes (1:30 was our set time). Would you please somehow clear the way for me, and get me through traffic and through the grocery store?"

I started just singing and praising the Lord as I was driving (He is an awesome car buddy), just talking to Him and thinking about things He has done. As I drove, little flakes started drifting down. AAAAUGH.

"Lord, please hold off the snow until after I have tea with Leigh Ana."

When I finally pulled up to the grocery store, it was a steadier falling of delicate snowflakes. But it didn't phase me. I got out of the car, walking with a determined step--my list scrolling through my mind.

While I approached the doors to the store, I happened to overhear the Grocery Cart-Collector (for lack of a better title) talking with an older woman in a very friendly, sweet manner. He waved at her, said "God Bless" then proceeded ahead of me to the cart rack. We made eye contact as I passed, and I smiled and said "Hello!". He nodded, smiled and said "How are you?". "Good thank you!" He went back to pushing carts into place, and I headed on inside the store. I can't really explain it, but I just felt so content and peaceful in the company of Jesus, that despite the snow and me being late, I just was pretty smiley. Maybe even joyful. ;) I walked quickly through the store, grabbing my small handheld basket full of needed items.

Source: Google

After grabbing the yogurt (very important to have good culture...;) ), I efficiently weaved my way to the front...where I found....Lines. Lots of lines. With only 2 lanes open. I had mostly produce with no bar codes, so I decided to bypass the self-checkout due to my reputation with them. I picked the less-lengthy line and settled myself into wait, just smiling and enjoying the peace in my heart.

Source: Google

Then. A tap on my shoulder. I turned hesitantly. It was the Grocery Cart-Collector, with his outdoor winter gear on. I was a little confused, wondering if I had done something wrong.

 "Ma'am, you look like you're in a hurry.Come with me."

I was thinking "ooook...what's going on? I am in the middle of a line, and he comes to get me out of everyone?", but I followed him anyways. The GC-C took my basket from me, then led me quickly over to a self-checkout. I was thinking "OK, I guess I can try it.

Source: Google

Well, I did not have a chance to try. The GC-C, in his big winter coat and scarf, did not let go of my basket. He proceeded to scan quickly ALL of my groceries for me, meanwhile telling me how much he loved baby carrots, and seemed surprised that I was grocery shopping for my mom. His fingers flew over the keypad as he punched in produce codes by memory, smiling and sending items quickly down the conveyor belt. I just kind of stood there, unsure of what to do and feeling really blessed! He asked how I was paying, then pushed the Debit button for me. As I scanned my card, he went to the end and bagged all of my groceries for me. I was smiling so big because it felt like it was Jesus maneuvering me through the store and then checking out my groceries for me. I said "Thank you so much...that was a huge blessing!". He smiled, handed my my groceries and said "You're welcome!". When I stepped outside, my heart filled with joy, it had stopped snowing! I got to my friends house at 1:42.


God didn't have to do that. I mean...honestly, I would have lived if I had to sit in traffic and have to wait in the lines. It was not a huge thing...just a small request for help, in order to honor someone else. Yet, I asked for His help in something small...and I felt His smile and delight in showing me how even the man who is supposed to be collecting carts can reflect His love for me. That, as a Father loves when his daughter asks him to undo a lid or tie a knot, Jesus loves to take care of us...actual care of us. We just have to ask.

Being a Christian--following and obeying Jesus--does NOT mean life is all "daisies and butterflies" does NOT mean that you will not go through intense hardships, even extreme loss. So many people believe that if they become a Christian, money and success will pour out of everywhere. Also, another belief is that we will never have to worry about anything. But sin is sin, and it affects every single person's life in this world...Christian or not. Sin kills, pollutes and destroys. Provision for our needs will pour out---not necessarily popularity and acceptance that the world would crave. Trust me. People who follow Jesus are usually not popular. However, following Jesus does mean that you have a source of actual real Joy,  Unshakable Peace, and  Indescribably HOPE despite the corruptness of the world around us. The world can steal our possessions or even our lives...but the Joy of knowing and being loved by Jesus, the one who came to set us free from our sins, so we might learn to love righteousness and Him....THAT, no one can ever steal! There is no sweeter privilege than to be called a follower of Jesus. Nope. None. :)

God Bless, 

P.s. If you want to know more about Jesus or what I mean by no one ever being able to steal our Joy (or anything I talked about), feel free to email me! I love talking about this Jesus I follow. :)

Source: Google

1 comment:

  1. That is actually so sweet! I love when God answers small things like that just to bless us! :)
