
Friday, August 23, 2013

Pure. Simply Pure.

One of the things I really love about God is how he speaks in completely unpredictable and seemingly "random" verses. For me, I usually get some of the most profound lessons when I read Old testament prophets OR in the really short books. For instance, Jude. When was the last time you ever heard anyone quote the book of Jude?! *See my previous post...haha* However, during our time in Canada (family vacation), God brought me across a portion of scripture that I love, but had completely forgotten about!

"Yea, at that time I will change the speech of 
the peoples to a pure speech,
that all may call on the name of the Lord, 
and serve him with one accord [...]
for I will leave in the midst of you
a people humble and lowly."
-Zephaniah 3:9, 12-

The last 2 weeks I have been yearning for a true purity of my heart--well, truthfully, a purifying of the world too, if I'm completely honest. Right now there is so much anger, fear, and sin growing at an incredible rate. It makes me long for Jesus to come and do what Zephaniah wrote down: to change the speech of the peoples to a pure speech (coming from pure hearts), and cause us to be a people of humility and serving! Even more, to have Him in our midst! :) I read these verses while in Canada, then God gave me a small glimpse into a taste of that sweet day one day while we were there. Some of us young ladies (the youngest being 19) now own Medieval dresses, through God's provision (another cool story). Even if it seems like a small thing, God provided money for dresses and the time to actually do something fun with them--like a photoshoot. :)

(L-R: Miriam, Me, Sarah, Tai and Hannah)

Though it may seem strange to some people, it was honestly one of the sweetest hours of my life. Dressing up, merely for fun, with young women who love Jesus more than anything, who seek to put others above themselves and yearn for the true innocence that comes from the Lord. It makes my heart rejoice just writing that :). Having friends who you never have to worry about crude gross jokes, foul language or even false humility...all I could think about as we were roaming around the fields was that this is exactly what Heaven will feel like. :)

Those who love Jesus with their whole hearts, 

Who have been refined by fire,

Sitting and talking about Jesus--and He will be sitting there with us!

The truly incredible thing is that God IS able to do the purifying work even now. Today. All we have to do is ask. Ask Him to wash us clean. Ask Him to forgive us. Ask Him to purify us, and give us clean hearts and a brand new Spirit. And honestly, He will. :)

In anticipation of that sweet day, 

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day you girls had! I love that sweet picture of you! Reminds me very much of Pride and Prejudice :)
