
Sunday, May 10, 2020

For Every Mom...

I often think about (hopefully) being a mom one day. This morning as I was thinking about the women in my life, I was really struck with gratitude. I think if I’ve learned anything about motherhood from the examples around me, is that “mom” means living a life poured out. It is a choice of strength and a sacrificial love every single day. It is the sweet moments of giggling and blowing bubbles, coloring and picking flowers, late night talks in the kitchen around a bowl of ice cream, and gentle pats on sleeping heads. It is making cookies and showing up to cheer from the sidelines. I think few things could clearly describe the joy of a mother laughing with her child.

But there is also a part of motherhood that isn't talked about--the unseen life. It's the countless prayers for struggling teens. It's the recognition that you are just a human trying your best to raise a little person. It’s sometimes facing unknown diagnosis and even health crisis. It's watching innocence learn that people are not always kind and knowing you won't always be there to protect them. It’s overflowing tears when you literally don’t know what to do. It’s the waking up every morning when you don’t feel like you have the strength to face one more day. Yet, somehow, you do. I feel like I've watched mother's bear the role of beauty, strength, loss, hope, grief, joy, and love wrapped up into one title. 

But I am also learning, a single woman walking beside my friends, that being a mom doesn’t always mean you have full arms. Sometimes you are a mom with empty arms, thinking of the little one that Jesus is holding while you hold them in your heart. Sometimes you’re a spiritual mom, taking in a lonely heart seeking refuge and a little bit of guidance. Sometimes you’re a mom with a child that doesn’t share the same blood—but by choice, they have been grafted into your family. 

Whatever form of mom you find yourself in today, I just wanted to say that I am so grateful for you. I have been blessed with an incredible mother, but I've also been blessed with other nurturing, mother figures in my life. Each one has touched my heart and shaped me into the person I am becoming.  Thank you for the big—and little—ways that you care for the all people in your life. You are priceless. <3

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