
Friday, June 27, 2014

Tried and Found True

One of my favorite things to do in my prayer time is to open up to a Psalms, and earnestly re-present it as a prayer to the Lord. It is sweet that I can agree with King David, and the faithfulness of a God has not changed. Isn't that incredible to think upon? The same God that David so earnestly loved is the same God who willingly comes and sits beside us. The same Captain of Hosts that victoriously led Israel against armies twice their size, He is the same one who puts His arm around us when we kneel beside our bed. He who sustained David during the days of being pursued continuously by Saul--this Master is the same one who sustains us with His faithfulness even hundreds of years later.

Still, His name remains to be Faithful.

 David was a king--a man who made decisions that affected an entire nation, not just his own household. Talk about pressure, huh? I love how the Psalms are filled with "Oh, Lord, please stretch out Your hand and rescue me!" and then "Praise be to the God who rescues Israel!". 1st and 2nd Samuel are filled with the challenges and triumphs of God's faithfulness to a man after His own heart--and Psalms is almost an accompanying journal of the heart cry of David during these trials. A small window into the thoughts of a Warrior King (poet) whose only hope was the Lord God. And the victorious Psalms are past  tense. God has  done this. One Psalm even pauses, almost mid-sentence, halting the petitioning with a statement: "You answered me." Fact.

Here's a cup of Living Water to savor. Think of this as advice from a King who has tried and found his faith to be placed rightly in Jehovah:

"The Lord sustains all who fall
and raises up all who are bowed down,
The eyes of all look to You, 
and You give them their food in due time.
You open Your hand
and satisfy the desire of every living thing.
The Lord is righteous in all His ways
and Kind in all His deeds. 
The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, 
To all who call upon Him in truth.
He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him;
He will also hear their cry and will save them."
~Psalm 145:14-19~

Today, if you are struggling with Faith, if you are walking in the belief that you've slipped off God's radar, or stumbling over guilt from your past--read through a Psalms. Remember that God has not  changed. The Lord is  Kind. He is  gracious. He does  satisfy the desire of every living thing (as a father, so fulfills desires that will good for us). He is near--not some far off entity sitting on a cloud, frowning at you. He also hears our cry--He actually listens

My challenge to you: in your own quiet time, take a psalms and offer it up to the Lord as your own prayer of faith.
"You sustain all who fall
and raise up all who are bowed down.
[...]You are righteous in all Your ways
and kind in all Your deeds.
You are near to all who call upon You.
To all who call upon You in truth.
You will fulfill the desire of those who fear You.
You will also hear their cry and save them."

It truly becomes a prayer of Faith...which is one of the sweetest things in the eyes of the Lord! 

In the Arms of One Who Remains Faithful, 
(Image source: Google)

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