
Monday, April 7, 2014

Deservest I? - A Poem

Deservest I of Life?
Nay, naught of life but death!
Yet thru His blood
My own debt was paid
With ev'ry shuddering breath.

Deservest I of Mercy?
Nay, naught of mercy but judgement!
Yet thru His love,
The spotless Son
Was wholly, freely sent.

Deservest I of Peace?
Nay, naught of peace but fear!
Yet, gently He leads
This heavy-laden heart
To waters--soft and clear.

Deservest I of Joy?
Nay, naught Joy but only pain!
Yet, my dear Jesus,
In His tender mercy
Pours forth Joy as rain.

Deservest I of Hope?
Nay, naught of Hope but sorrow!
Yet, His strong hands
the vic'try won,
We can face tomorrow!

Deservest I of Thou, Lord?
Nay, ne'er Thou but eternal separation!
Yet, still I heard
Thy tender, dear voice,
Compel me to sweet Salvation!

(c) Anna Dumaresq

(Image source: Google)

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