
Saturday, September 14, 2013

My Little Levi

Things have been quiet in my house, at least blog post-wise. From my end, the last 2 months have literally been non-stop. As soon as I got home from being gone for over an entire month, I came home to 2+ weddings/wedding prep, planning a baby shower, baking for events, cleaning houses, and a bucket load of other things. It's been insane. So, this blog post is more of a little blip of hosting my friends baby shower.

On my way home from Canada, my friend Jessie found out that she and her husband are moving to Massachusetts this month (they left yesterday), driving through Va, and had no clue when they would be back. I had previously told her I wanted to throw her a baby shower, so I had 3 weeks to plan! :) Talk about adventurous ;). A lot of prayer and planning went in to it--my sisters can attest to the fact--and it went so sweetly!

We were able to host it at a local church

And we decided to do a tea party, regardless of the gender!

Our bountiful fare

My sisters Aimee (peeking around the door) and Rachel were SUCH an
incredible blessing! We got to the church, turned on some swingin' big band music
and went to town decorating! It was so much fun and such a gift from God to 
be able to do what we enjoy together. 

We decided to have a teaparty, regardless of the fact that the baby 
is a boy. But I'm sure he would've enjoyed it himself ;)

And I was also excited to pull out my teacup collection :)

So many sweet presents and cards!

And a LOT of laughter! 

Official note-taker

The little man even had his photograph hung up ;)

The neatest part was being able to spend some really good time just praying for 
Jessie and Andrew as they transition into moving AND parenthood. 

The little boy will be named Levi Daniel Kircher. My prayer for him is that he will truly become a man in character similar to those whose names he carries. That just as the tribe of Levi were a people set apart specifically for the purpose of serving God, I pray little Levi will be set apart and sealed for the kingdom at a young age. Then, just as Daniel in the bible possessed a boldness and a fixed eye on the Lord, I pray that Levi will cling to his God, despite what everyone else around him will do. I want this little man to love Jesus more than anything, and I pray that God will give Jessie and Andrew wisdom in "training (their) child in the way he should go" (Prov. 22:6).

I can't wait to see Levi (coming Jan. 2014) and watch him grow! I am confident of God's plan for him, and am excited for my sweet friend to become what she's always wanted--a mommy. :)


1 comment:

  1. So sweet! I can't wait to meet him.
    Also, I think you need to write down a monthly travel log for 2013. just a thought.
